Sunday, May 11, 2008

The biggest rip-off... the world is greeting cards! Went to Dillons on Friday to do some of the shopping and picked up 4 cards for mother's day - one to DW and one to my mom from me, one to DW and one to my mom from the kids. $15!!! And the worst thing is, DW doesn't particularly like them and doesn't keep them. So why did I burn this money ??? The answer: Expectations - my mom taught me that's what's expected.

DW's mom (satisfied with a phone call) has a card design program and does her own cards. I wonder if that would be worth it for us or if it would just make me think that we "need" to upgrade our printer?...

1 comment:

Dan Brown said...

You should check out Jewish Funnybone greeting cards. Some really funny and unique stuff.